Monday, January 17, 2011

Yummy Fruits and Vegetables

Who doesn't love fruit and veggies? Do you love chocolate and sweets, too? I do! I was reading Leo Babauta's Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life and halfway through it there is a chapter on food. Leo references Brad Pilon's "Eat Stop Eat" book. I was curious so I stopped reading and went over to Brad's blog. A couple of clicks later, after reading one interesting post after another about food and nutrition, I found this fabulous post and was floored by the absolute wonderfulness of it - can't wait to eat like this and still lose weight. How simple. Wish I'd understood this earlier in life. Here's a link to the post. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Leo Babauta - cool ebook!

Wow - Leo Babauta has a profound writing style. I found his ebook, The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life here and haven't stopped reading it yet. It seems like a good way to pursue a life with purpose. Hope you find it enjoyable, too. MD.        

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blog Newbie!

This is my first day in the world of blogging. I thought I had better get a little information to help me out so I don't fall flat on my face! I want to blog about useful items, help some friendly people out, and be, least a little interesting. To that end I decided to look up some info on the topic and found this great book by Darren Rowse. Take a look at his book:
ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

Minimalist Discoveries

This week I found Leo Babauta and am intrigued with his blog. He has a few ebooks available on it, one in particular I am already reading called The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life. I would encourage you to check out his 'for print' book called The Power of Less. In today's world we all need to come face to face with what is truly important (time with family!) and what is not (having more stuff!). Check it out.